Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Interesting Supplement in today's Irish Independent

25/11/2008, Today's Irish Independent includes a supplement about using the English language. It deals with comprehension, composition, functional writing and the language of the visual image. There is also be a double page guide by novelist Joseph O'Connor specifically about adding that special sparkle to your writing. Well worth a look.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Registration for Examinations 2008/2009

A separate registration is required for examinations.

You must register before Nov 14th (for both first and second semester exams).

Lecturers will have exam registration forms in class w/s Nov 3rd and w/s Nov 10th.

Access and the City - universally designed communications for ease of visiting and effective living in cities and towns

"Access and the City - universally designed communications for ease of visiting and effective living in cities and towns"

20 November 2008, Guinness Storehouse, Dublin, Ireland

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (CEUD) and Dublin City Council are hosting a conference to mark the occasion of the European Observatory's General Assembly. The aim of the European Observatory is to improve the ”accessibility to urban environments and services, and creating new management models and that take into account the characteristics and interests of everyone that live in the municipalities.” The conference will explore themes of:
  • Universal Urban Navigation
  • Universal Transport Information
  • Tourism for all: providing visitors with the information they need

This international conference will show case current best practices from cities, report on latest research findings and provide information on guidance and resources on making information in the urban landscape universally accessible.

For more information: LINK HERE

Universal Smart Card Systems Seminar and Inclusive Design Workshop

The Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, NDA, is holding 2 events as part of Irish Design Week, 2008.

When: 6 November from 9.30am to 4.45pm

Where: Science Gallery, Pearse Street, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2. Science Gallery, TCD, , Pearse Street, Dublin 2, Ireland

To register for these FREE events, please contact Linda at +353 1 608 0456 or info@ceud.ie stating:

  • which session(s) you wish to attend *(1. Smart Card seminar, 2. Universal Design workshop)
  • any access or dietary requirements you may have

Lunch will be provided only for participants attending both the morning and afternoon sessions.

Please forward this webpage of the attached flyer to other colleagues/students who may be interested in attending.

From more information: LINK HERE

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This blog is devoted to news, events and updates concerning the MSc in Computing (Assisitve Technology), DT202, taught in the School of Computing, Dublin Institute of Technology.